The OSCA-O4 allows control only limited by your imagination of devices that require a simple contact closure to activate command by converting the OSC command to relay close, relay open, or momentary action. Applications range from sending a command to the GPI input of non-OSC equipped mixing consoles to opening a door lock, triggering a Kabuki drop, mechanical automation control and interfacing with applications like ONLX Ctrl Suite.
The OSCA-O4 is incredibly easy to program - simply plug it into your laptop, type in the IP address and a simple but powerful user interface takes you through all the steps. If the Osca OSC network is connected to the internet, remote programming and triggering is possible via VPN, together with system updates and future upgrades. Fully compatible with all 3rd party OSC commands and the Nemesis OSCA range.
Supplied in the box:
1m CAT5 cable
Mating Phoenix style connector